Streaming & video conference

In addition, to live meetings, BluePoint is the right place for hybrid events: this means that you can use live streaming equipment for broadcasting larger events and video conference equipment for smaller meetings. In short, all your events can take a hybrid form at BluePoint.

What does hybrid mean exactly? You have a meeting planned but not all participants want to or can come to the meeting location? No problem for BluePoint. Participants can follow the meeting remotely via a team or zoom connection to the meeting room. They can see the participants and the presentation in the room, follow the conversations, and can actively ask questions themselves via the built-in microphone of their computer. This technology is also perfect for connecting a remote speaker.

livestreaming hybrid event at bluepoint liège
livestreaming hybrid event at bluepoint brussels

For larger events with more than 50 participants, BluePoint relies on its live streaming equipment. The speakers in the room itself are filmed and the recording is then broadcasted live on the Internet. Remote viewers follow the speakers and their presentations on a web page. On the page itself, they can direct questions to a moderator in the room. Keep in mind that when you record an event, in addition to your live audience, you can reach an additional audience who can watch the recording on a delayed basis. That means you can reach many more people with a hybrid event.

Technology is an important part of BluePoint's DNA. You can count on excellent equipment, on-site, and BluePoint's experienced staff to provide perfect support for your hybrid meetings and events.