In recent years there has been a noticeable switch from physical to online events. This is logical, as online events can reach a larger target audience quickly and efficiently. But organizing online events requires a completely different approach than organizing a live event. A camera alone is no longer enough to entertain your online audience. There has to be more swagger. Looking for a partner to fine-tune your virtual approach? BluePoint is more than happy to help. 

Online events

Recording studio


Organizing a top online event? Child's play at BluePoint. We have all the ingredients to make your online event a real success.

  • Spacious, multifunctional rooms for a hybrid event
  • Your own recording studio with a green screen
  • State-of-the-art audiovisual equipment: lighting, cameras, microphones, and other accessories
  • Livestreaming software for a hybrid or fully online event
  • Support by professionals before, during, and after your event
  • HD LED screens, projectors, and other video conferencing equipment

Are you organizing an online event yourself? Come and see the modern infrastructures of BluePoint for yourself.

av-ondersteuning bluepoint

Organizing an online event at BluePoint

Online events, live streams, and hybrid events are now more than ever part of our business activities. And that’s understandable. Virtual activities bring a lot of advantages. Just think of the speed and efficiency with which such an event is organized. Moreover, it is easier to reach a larger target audience and it ensures increased sustainability. It sounds tempting to translate your physical event into a digital event without any modifications, but nothing could be further from the truth. You need a whole different arsenal of equipment and infrastructure for it. BluePoint has all the assets to make the switch from a live event to an online one go smoothly.

Ingredients for a successful online event 

When organizing an online event, one camera is not enough. If you want to do it professionally, you also need microphones, lighting, audiovisual equipment, and live streaming software. If you go the extra mile, your own recording studio will come in handy. At BluePoint, we know that it is not easy to have all this in-house. That is why we make all the technological equipment available and offer you a support service before and during your event. Finally, our green key recording studio gives your online event that extra touch of professionalism.

greenkey studio bluepoint brussel
interactie virtueel evenement bluepoint

Maintain the physical experience during your online event

Found the right room, equipment, and support? Then you are ready to go live. But entertaining an online audience is a bit trickier than a physical audience. There is no face-to-face contact or interpretation of body language. So you have to look for other ways to interact with your audience. BluePoint's live stream platform is fully geared to this. There is room for, among other things:

  • A chat and mailbox
  • A question form
  • Poll modules for voting
  • Break-out sessions
  • Virtual partner exhibition 

These options give your online or hybrid event a physical touch. Ready to organize your digital event? BluePoint is your partner!