Why serviced offices could change everything

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Office rental & Coworking

Why serviced offices will be game-changers

Hybrid working is turning organisations upside down. Energy costs continue to evolve unpredictably. All of these variables have suddenly been added to the equation for companies that need to remain attractive while optimising their operating costs. What if the solution was fully equipped offices in a business centre?



The signing of a business lease is often a turning point in the life of a company. It is a decision that commits all or part of the staff, often for a period of several years.

  • A multitude of questions arise at this stage:
  • Is the space big enough to accommodate present and future staff?
  • Is the location accessible by various means of transport?
  • Does the infrastructure meet safety and welfare standards?
  • And much more

Seems like a traditional process. But...

In a labour market that is changing paradigms, classic rental solutions seem to be showing their limits. This article explains.


Quick links:

  1. Work habits change. Quickly.
  2. Increasingly unpredictable costs
  3. A fully equipped office in a business centre: a unique combination of advantages
  4. The impact of the workplace on well-being
  5. An all-in-one package that is easy to budget, easy to adapt



Work habits change. Quickly.


Whether or not we welcome this development, hybrid working seems to be here to stay. A recent "post-Covid" survey, conducted by Acerta, shows that no less than 47% of Belgian employees prefer to go back to work part-time. As a result, more and more companies are trying to mix telework and office travel.

 A delicate balance that requires a series of adjustments:


  • Taking into account the mobility needs of each employee
  • Efficient connectivity tools
  • Secure and flexible office access control
  • Adaptive lighting and climate control
  • Review of cleaning, maintenance and insurance contracts


The list goes on.

What does this mean for your organisation? How do you make such a transition logistically, but also (and especially) budgetarily?


Increasingly unpredictable costs

Indeed, whereas in an exclusively office-based organisation, one could quite easily evaluate the operating costs, this is no longer the case with a hybrid organisation. Each item mentioned in the previous paragraph can change according to the needs of the business or the staff.

This is an additional administrative burden that becomes even more pronounced if we take into account a new troublemaker: inflation. Energy prices on the markets rose sharply at the end of 2022, resulting in a sharp increase in rates that are still weighing heavily on the shoulders of companies.


BluePoint Brussels Offices (2023)


Rent private offices in BluePoint Brussels (near the European Quarter)


Even though at the time of writing, gas and electricity prices have fallen sharply, there is no sign that we have passed the turbulence zone. Which supplier to turn to? What type of contract is best for your business?

It would certainly take pages to cover this topic. The fact remains that negotiating energy contracts is now a strategic matter. And by correlation, the same applies to the choice of the type of home for your company.


Your company's offices in the city centre: should you take the plunge?

 According to Colliers, some 85% of Belgian office space is still concentrated in Brussels. Setting up business in major cities is still clearly appealing to many companies. But is it necessarily the right choice for your business?

De plusses :

  • In addition to their attractiveness and charm, they offer many opportunities for mobility, accommodation, networking, and catering and generally contribute to the company's brand image.
  • These assets also benefit the well-being of employees and, by extension, their retention in the company.

De minuses :

  • As mentioned, operating costs have risen sharply and it is hard to say how the situation will change. This includes office rents, which continue to rise under real estate pressure, particularly in the capital.
  • Recent urban regulations do not help either: in Brussels, the number of parking spaces for offices will be capped according to strict rules.



BluePoint Brussels Offices (2023)


A fully equipped office in a business centre: a unique combination of advantages

Do you want to set up your business quickly near the city centre, without having to find the ideal location, select the right energy supply contract or the right service providers?

Business centres offer an extremely interesting compromise: you rent a fully equipped space with all the necessary concierge services. No endless visits to plan, no time-consuming price research. Once you've selected the space, you sign the lease and can move your employees in no time.

BluePoint takes this appealing concept a step further by offering an all-in approach in its state-of-the-art business centres:

  • Flexible lease terms
  • A clear budget, including utilities, taxes and many services
  • Fully modular office space
  • State-of-the-art IT infrastructure in all buildings, supported by a high-speed internet network
  • Relaxation and coworking areas directly accessible in the building
  • Integrated business restaurant and customised catering service
  • A centralised reception with mail management
  • A private and secure underground car park
  • Electricity charging stations
  • A highly responsive on-site technical team


Contact us for availability and conditions


The impact of the workplace on well-being

A recent Europe-wide study by the European body Eurofound has once again shown that the quality of the workplace has a major influence on mental well-being. Unsurprisingly, spaces that lack temperature control, light or comfortable furniture negatively influence workers' morale. This can only be detrimental to the overall performance and image of the company.

Again, locating your business in a modern business centre can be beneficial in many ways: you benefit from an infrastructure that meets strict quality, safety and sustainability standards. Better still, BluePoint centres are home to a real community of dynamic entrepreneurs, with whom you can interact over lunch or during a pause. It's a great way to keep your mind curious and positive.


An all-in-one package that is easy to cost, easy to adapt

A classic lease contract commits you in principle for a period of 9 years. That seems like an eternity when external risks can change the game overnight. BluePoint has taken a bold approach, giving companies the flexibility they need:

You establish the different items to be included in the lease, exactly according to your needs, and then decide on the duration. Need to quickly adapt the space, reduce or add options? It's up to you. BluePoint business centres have all the modularity you need to support your business.

 Set up your organisation with ease in a BluePoint business centre.

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