Have you ever heard about the Agoria Solar Team?

Events & Meetings

Solar Team, a young and ambitious Belgian company

20 civil and industrial engineering students at KU Leuven work together to build the most efficient solar car in order to win Australia’s "Bridgestone World Solar Challenge" in October 2019. This competition takes place every 2 years and Belgium will participate for the 8th time this year. In 2017, the Belgian Solar Team finished with their solar car ‘Punch 2’ in 3rd position and won the best innovation prize for the second time in a row. This year, the team goes for the victory!

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As a federation of technology companies, Agoria has been sponsoring the project for several years. This year Agoria will support the team as main sponsor!

 Agoria Solar Team

" What makes the collaboration between Agoria and the Solar Team so powerful is the strong link between both organizations. Using technological innovations to contribute to a better world forms a strong base for the partnership. A base that should lead the Agoria Solar Team to innovations that are needed to develop the best Belgian solar car ever ", says Marc Lambotte, CEO of Agoria.

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Next to innovation for a sustainable future, Agoria is also committed to entrepreneurship among the young employees of tomorrow. This is also the philosophy of BluePoint, the subsidiary of Agoria, which will give the new solar car its name.

 From Punch 2 to BluePoint

1.5 years is needed to design, build and test a new solar car. Nothing can be left to chance and every detail is important because the strong competition. Reason for which the team bundles all its knowledge and know-how to be as efficient and effective as possible. Their incredible team spirit is undoubtedly an important asset in this adventure. This spirit is well illustrated in a short video realized at the end of the "Carrera Solar Atacama", a competition which the Belgian team won in Chile:

The new car, called BluePoint, will be presented to the public in July. The name refers to the values that the group shares, in particular innovation, sustainable development and entrepreneurship.
BluePoint is also a hub for companies. It is a platform for exchange and networking, a place where all types of companies can grow.

 Possibilities of collaboration

As a client of BluePoint you indirectly benefit from the reputation and visibility that our partnership generates and it would be a pity not to make use of it.

This year the team has set more concrete goals to further develop the following topics:

  • Smart weather maps
  • Satellite communication
  • The most connected solar car
  • Testing and validation infrastructure
  • Taking PR and events to the next level


Today, the team is still looking for partners, whether at a technical level, for example for the development of a better satellite communication system, or at PR & communication level, for example during events. Indeed, subject to availability, the team could be present during your events.

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For more information, feel free to contact us or the Solar team directly : https://www.solarteam.be/contact-us/contact

We will keep you informed of the upcoming episodes during the course of their adventure. Keep an eye on our communication networks and please share massively!
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