What are the benefits of video mapping for events?

Online events & Recording studio


Video mapping, what exactly is it?

It’s a technique for projecting visual content onto any surface while respecting its shape and ends. From then on, it becomes possible to project on the facade of a building or a 3D set for example and transform the building or object into a dynamic screen.The possibilities of projection are endless: images, videos, light effects, animations, or even all at once.

An object becomes then a virtual experience and offers spectators the memory of an unforgettable event.

Over the past few years, this technology has been very successful at cultural events, such as festivals, national celebrations, artistic events, commemorative days, etc.


What about professional events?

Thanks to technological progress, video mapping has become more accessible. It can now be used on a smaller scale for corporate events. In this case, a flat surface such as a screen, a wall or even the floor is usually used. By using a suitable projector and quality equipment, it is also possible to apply mapping to static or moving 3D objects.

For product launches, congresses, conferences or seminars, video mapping is often used to project logos, product videos, speakers' names, or social media news feeds.

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This technology adds value to professional events. It catches the public's attention through visual aesthetics and maintains interest for the content in a creative way. As a result, the event will never be boring and will leave a lasting impression.


What is the added value for your event?

  • Guaranteed "wow" effect
  • Involvement of participants' interest
  • Immersive experience trough atmosphere and theme of the event
  • Personalization following corporate identity
  • Higher return on investment
  • Saving in terms of sets, banners and other communication materials. 
  • Simultaneous content: music, images, videos, logos, icons, tweet walls, ...


Video mapping at BluePoint Brussels

BluePoint Brussels is the first event centre in Belgium which has equipped its main event room with two Barco F90-4K13 projectors. Their simultaneous use in 4K allows to get an ultra-wide projection of 50 m² (12.5m wide by 4m high). Barco F90 laser phosphor projectors offer higher image quality, which allows you to create professional-quality video mapping.

It is now possible to project any content to any area within the predefined surface.

This new technology, combined with high quality « sound & lights » equipment, transforms your presentations into a real interactive experience.



The video above illustrates the different possibilities of video mapping with real-time tracking system offered by the Einstein room in Brussels.

Interested in using video mapping for your next event? Let us know by contacting us via marketing@bluepoint.be or +32 2 706 88 00.