Turn your event into an Instagram-worthy opportunity!

Events & Meetings

instaproof your events picture blog

In a world where digital communication is increasing, face-to-face events still remain very powerful for companies. They help to build relationships with potential customers and develop new partnerships. A live event is and remains important for human interaction, but here too we can use the opportunities that online communication offers today to further increase the impact of our event.
And this is very simple: you encourage your guests to share their experience online during the event, for example on Instagram.


An 'Instagrammable' event is an event that on the one hand is visually attractive and on the other hand offers sufficient 'attractive elements' that encourage participants to take photos or record videos and share them on social media channels. 

Why is this important?

When your guests share your event and mention your name, your online visibility grows and, consequently, the notoriety of your company grows with it. Through the new online channels, you can also reach new potential customers. Remember that most social media users are also often connected online to like-minded people and other connections through hobbies and leisure activities and other interest groups. In short, our reach can grow exponentially.
When your guests take pictures and post them on social media, your event, your company and your message will stick much better and this can provide a permanent reminder. 
In addition, as a company you can also share the content of your event afterwards.  This way the absentees will still have the opportunity to receive your message and you can even inspire people to participate in your next event. 

How can you stimulate your target group to participate?

1. Create a clear and unique #Hashtag.

Often refer to the hashtag and encourage your guests to use it on social media!

2. Make use of an incentive.

Give an extra gift to the guests who post about your event on Instagram using your hashtag.   For example, give a gadget with your company logo, a reusable water bottle or another sustainable or trendy item or possibly a product that you sell, a discount, etc.  You can even raffle off an Instagram course!
As a company, also repost the content your guests share.  This way you put them in the spotlight once more and you create even more visibility on social media. 

 3. Use a virtual social media wall during the event.

This will motivate your guests to post Instagram photos with your hashtag directly to other social media such as Twitter, so that they can be recognized immediately at your event.  Make sure the feed is monitored by someone from your organization before this is projected live to avoid inappropriate posts.   You can also encourage people to live stream the event themselves via Facebook or make an Instagram Story of your event.

4. Invite influencers from your sector. 

They often have an important and committed network that will get you more involvement and reactions from a wide audience. 

Another advantage of sponsors, is that you can fill goodie bags with their products for your event attendees. The sponsors include one or multiple products for free, which combines into a great thank you gift for your guests. This is often highly appreciated. However, try to only incorporate gifts of durable quality, which can be used in the office or at home, instead of gadgets that will likely end up in the bin. If your guests like the gift, they are more likely to take a picture of it and post it online!

5. Start communicating about your event 3 to 4 weeks upfront. 

This way you can create extra buzz and build up the tension and expectations about the event.  For example, under your hashtag, you can post some 'behind the scenes' movies or photos in the run-up to the event. 


Tips & Tricks: ready, set, shoot!

  • Provide interesting backgrounds or set up a selfie booth with nice decoration pieces.
  • Make use of unique and creative catering as well as colourful drinks.
  • Nature always does well! Make sure you have enough green accents with large plants.
  • Provide good lighting. Natural light is the best way to take your photos outdoors.  If that is not possible, make sure there is enough light or an original mood lighting.


Looking for 'Instagram-worthy' locations? 

The eye-catching BluePoint venues in Antwerp, Brussels and Liège are waiting for you!
Book the trendy roof terrace in Antwerp or enjoy the beautiful and spacious garden (700 m²) in the heart of Brussels or the impressive courtyard of BluePoint Liège.  On sunny days, these are an ideal outdoor setting for your next event.

Make use of tech gadgets such as the 'Blue' robot, which is guaranteed to provide a lot of photo material, or our catchbox microphone, for example. 
For more inspiration, contact us at marketing@bluepoint.be or +32 2 706 88 00 or make an appointment to visit the BluePoint venues in Antwerp, Brussels or Liège.