The power of live events in your marketing plan!

Events & Meetings

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Live communication is on the rise. Not so strange, because in a world where everything goes faster and faster because of digital developments, there is a need for interaction and personal attention.

After a long period of compulsory online meetings through platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, following all kinds of online webinars and completing virtual events on various digital channels, everyone longs for physical meetings again. The lack of face-to-face meetings is very high and therefore also the craving for live events!  One thing is certain: As soon as it is possible again, everyone will want to exchange the screen for face-to-face meetings.

A live event is the purest form of interactive marketing.
The power and impact of event marketing have already proven itself in the past and are becoming even more important in times of growing digitalisation. A good product or story is therefore no longer enough. The difference is made by excellent service, a tailor-made offer and the experience surrounding your brand. The latter is exactly why more and more marketers are convinced of the power of live events.

Not quite convinced yet? In this blog, we will elaborate on this and give you three reasons why you should include a live event in your marketing plan next year.


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So why are live events so important in the marketing mix today?

1.           With live communication you make a bigger impact!

In a crowded market, creating brand preference is an important marketing objective. You want to stay top of mind with your product, service or brand and ensure that your customers choose you, and you do this by making an impact. An event such as a customer meeting or product launch is an excellent opportunity for this.

When you organise an event, you can evoke emotions in all participants that will strengthen business relationships. It is proven that a target audience shows more interest in a product or topic when all senses are stimulated. Today, there is only one marketing channel where this is possible, and that is through live events!

At a live event, you can exceed expectations and create an experience around your brand. Your customers can taste your brand and experience the added value. Do you want to stand out and make an impact on the guests at your event? Use innovative techniques such as 3D or 4K projection and take your event to the next level!

2.           Live events create a stronger bond with customers and prospects.

Events are no longer underdogs but have taken a core position in the marketing mix thanks to the fact that you can offer a personal experience to participants.

An event is one of the most important contact moments between your company and your customers. Customers and prospects can get to know the people behind your organisation and you get the chance to get to know your customers better. Who are they, what do they like and how can you offer them the best service?

The great advantage of a live event is that it offers scope for personal attention. In a world of increasing digitalisation, this is especially important.

3.           Get more leads from your 'Live events  

Your target group's decision to attend an event is also increasingly driven by a combination of acquiring information and knowledge while networking with like-minded people. And networking at a distance is simply not ideal.

A strong event concept brings people closer together and reinforces the message you want to send out as a company. Human interaction plays a very important role here. Of course, a live event provides many more concrete leads. A casual conversation during networking is much more efficient than a great presentation alone!

Research shows that after attending an event, people understand the product, the service or a specific subject much better. Three-quarters even become more loyal customers!


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What if external circumstances throw a spanner in the works?

As an event organiser, you have undoubtedly already had to cancel an event due to external circumstances: terrorist attacks, traffic chaos due to unforeseen snowfall or a prolonged pandemic like the one in recent months. One thing is certain: you must always be prepared for anything in the event sector!

As a subsidiary of Agoria and an important one-stop-shop for events, BluePoint has also specialised in virtual events. This means that BluePoint offers you a guarantee that your event can take place regardless of external circumstances. If it is not fully live, then it can be done in a hybrid form or fully online. And all this in a budget-friendly way, so you don't have to worry that your budget will skyrocket.

Investing in technology is in BluePoint's DNA and this way BluePoint ensures that your virtual event still offers sufficient interaction with your online target group. BluePoint needs to offer its clients personalised advice and guidance from the planning to the production of the event.


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Dare to go for live events with sufficient guarantees!

BluePoint's event locations in Antwerp, Brussels and Liège offer you a guarantee that your event can go ahead with 100% certainty.   

Of course, BluePoint complies with all compulsory safety measures with precision.

BluePoint Brussels recently received the Health & Safety quality label from the Brussels government. This is a fine reward for the fact that all the essential meetings and events comply with the strictest requirements of the COVID Event Risk Model (CERM): distance, extra cleaning, sufficient ventilation, wearing of mouth masks, etc.

BluePoint is already ready for you for all events, live, hybrid and virtual, that are on your wish list for 2021 and 2022: kick-offs, team build-ups, staff parties, product presentations, conferences, summer BBQs and much more.

Contact the BluePoint event experts at or +32 2 706 88 00.