How to organise a perfect kick-off meeting?

Events & Meetings

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Are you organising a kick-off meeting?
These 3 tips will help you get started!

Questions such as: "What challenges will we face in 2023?", "What new projects are on the table?" and more will undoubtedly pass in review in your company in the coming weeks. New Year's resolutions are the ideal time to reflect on the past year and look ahead to what is coming. A kick-off meeting is an ideal way to discuss plans and projects. With our 3 tips, yours will already be a success! 


What is a kick-off meeting?

By organising a kick-off meeting you can efficiently, quickly, and relatively easily inform every stakeholder of your project and you can ensure that the different stakeholders get to know each other. Moreover, a kick-off meeting is an ideal way to boost everyone's enthusiasm.


Are you planning other events? We have the ideal venue for every event!

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What types of project kick-off meetings exist?

To get your project off the ground successfully, it is important to focus on all expectations, priorities, knowledge, and planning. If you don't do this beforehand, the rest of the project will be an uphill battle. Project kick-off meetings are an effective way to do this. What types exist:

  • Internal project kick-off meeting: align your project team members and give them a chance to ask questions before the project starts.
  • Executive sponsor project kick-off meeting: get all the executives and sponsors of your project aligned. During this kick-off, you can highlight the purpose and objectives of your project.
  • External or customer-facing project kick-off meeting: are you working with external customers? You can invite the client and your team during this meeting to align the goals and results of your project.
  • Agile project kick-off meeting: do you work with sprints in your team? If so, this meeting is the ideal way to give your internal team an overarching update on a new project, without therefore already talking about each sprint of that project in detail. This is where you explain the overall goal of your project.


3 tips to make your kick-off event a success

How do you start organising a kick-off and how long should it last? And where is the best place to organise it?  First and foremost, you can always rely on BluePoint for the flawless organisation of your kick-off meetings. Depending on your needs, we are happy to organise your tailor-made event with you so that you don’t have to worry about practical arrangements.

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Organising your own meeting? We'd love to help! 


It's useful to get started with some tips:

1.  Don't go into too much detail

The more elaborate your explanation is, the less likely everyone will stay focused.   So don't zoom in too hard on the details but make a global overview. This will ensure that your event does not take too long, allowing everyone to understand and pay attention.

2. Make sure you provide enough variety

This tip is not about what you say, but how you say it. For example, alternate a nice presentation with a short film, make sure there are interactive assignments, ask enough questions, etc. This way, you create a nice balance between informing and enthusing participants.

Can't everyone connect physically? We ensure you can have both online and physical meetings and even opt for a combination.

3.  Choose technology and support that works!

Nothing kills your audience's attention faster than technological gadgets that fail halfway through your event. At the various BluePoint locations in Brussels, Antwerp and Liège, you can make use of the latest tech equipment to support your story, as technology is part of our DNA.


Do you want to hire a professional recording studio?

You can do so at our Green Key Studio.

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Do you intend organising your kick-off meeting at BluePoint?

We will gladly work out a kick-off meeting tailored to your needs!


Contact us at +32 2 706 88 00 or by e-mail: