The event that always takes place: hello virtual event!

Online events & Recording studio


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Don't wait any longer, start planning.

The world of live events has been at a standstill for quite some time. No matter how hopeful and positive we are, it doesn't look like we'll be able to bring masses of people together again any time soon.

Understandably, companies and organisers initially maintained the 'we'll wait and see' attitude. But after more than two years, we have surpassed that point. And why should you? After all, virtual events can be organised at any time. Whatever is decided by our government, whatever happens to the world, wherever your people are. Let's talk virtual events!


Why start with virtual events?

The unique, fantastic advantage of virtual events? You have a guarantee in your hands.

The world is rumbling and shifting, but the basics remain the same: people have a message. A message that is eager to be told and spread. Getting your target group together, that's the problem today. Fortunately, we like to think in terms of solutions: there are plenty of other ways to tell your story and still reach your people.

Organising a virtual event at BluePoint always starts with a good conversation, in which your exact needs are thoroughly examined. What is your intention? Who is your audience? What kind of interaction are you aiming for? Based on this, our experts can define the exact technical equipment needed.

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Virtual events in all shapes and sizes

Do you want to share a message with the participants, with speakers and a listening audience? Then we opt to use streaming technology for your project. This allows you to simply transmit a video and audio stream on the internet. Your audience can watch and listen to the message using a computer, laptop, or smartphone.

Your participants cannot take part in the conversation during streaming. Via the chat, they can of course forward a question or price request, but they cannot respond ad hoc. In this format, one expert (or a team of them) is speaking, the other participants form the audience.

Do you need interaction? Do you want to set up a lively discussion or debate in which everyone can have their say? Well, fine! Then we will install a set-up where everyone can contribute interactively with their own camera and microphone.

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Make it personal

The type of streaming also deserves the necessary attention.  Do you want to broadcast on a platform,
a webpage with video player, a broadcasting that can be followed on your social media? Will you make this available on the internet yourself or will we arrange this for you? It's your call!

Organising a virtual event requires a different approach than the familiar, traditional live version. That is exactly why BluePoint is the right partner for you, surrounded by experienced experts. We don’t just offer a solution; we provide a service from A to Z and are eager to think along with you about the design of your project.

With virtual events, it is crucial to capture and maintain the viewer's attention immediately. In live events it is not easy to 'escape', but at home in your sofa, the interest fades a little quicker. So you need to take a completely different, innovative approach to your spoken language, your tension curve and the visual aspects. Thanks to BluePoint's endless applications, you can transform your event into a virtual live show. Multiple cameras, light and sound effects: we throw everything into the battle for an intense experience for your viewers.


Virtual events with effect!

The event platform that emerges as the 'winner' can be fully adapted to your company branding style, preferences or target audience. Your logo can be incorporated, the complete branding, the use of colour, ...
Think big: the backgrounds, the titles to the text, one main theme with separate sessions, ... Eventually your event or broadcast can look like a news broadcast with highlights, subtitles, name tags, effects, whatever you want ! Everything you can come up with it, we make it happen!

Thanks to our in-house green key studio, you can think completely out of the box. You do not have to limit yourself to a stereotypical recording studio or your office environment but can fully personalise your visuals. Both 2D and 3D scenery have countless possibilities.

Would you like to know more about this? Download the technical specifications of the studio here!

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Forge your plans

As you can see, there are as many possibilities as there are dreams. So start with the second one: dream away! Don't wait any longer with plans and venture onto the not-yet-flattened path of the virtual event. This is the moment to step forward as a pioneer. The fact that this type of event is guaranteed to take place in any scenario is already a great comfort.

And the price is no longer an issue. Streaming is now a known and established phenomenon which makes the budgets very friendly and manageable. We always strive to work out a proposal in which each party feels comfortable.

Feel free to use our expertise and ask us your question. We will be happy to help you!  Call us on +32 2 706 88 00 or send an e-mail to