The best way to brainstorm with your team

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The best way to brainstorm with your team

 Brainstorming sessions are an essential part of any creative process. They provide a platform for teams to come together and generate ideas, solve problems, and drive innovation. But how do you ensure that your brainstorming sessions are efficient and effective?




1. Create a positive environment

The first step to holding a productive brainstorming session is to create the right environment and a positive one. Encourage your team to share ideas spontaneously without fear or judgment. This can greatly help to generate more creative and innovative ideas.


2. Set clear goals

Before starting the brainstorming session, it's important to set clear goals. What do you want to achieve from the session? What are the key challenges you're trying to solve? This can help to funnel down the team's efforts and ensure that the session is productive.


3. Use visual supports

Visual supports, such as whiteboards or sticky notes, can be helpful during brainstorming sessions. They can help you organize ideas and make it easier for the team to visualize different ways and concepts.


4. Take a break

Brainstorming sessions can be intense, and it's important to take breaks to recharge and refocus. Make sure that the team stays productive and engaged throughout the entire session.

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"Brainstorming is not just about generating ideas, it's about creating a collaborative environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and perspectives." - Annette Franz, founder and CEO of CX Journey Inc.


How long should a brainstorming session last?

Ahh, that’s an age-old question: how long should a brainstorming session take? Well, the short answer depends. But don't worry, we won't leave you without an answer.

According to a study by the Journal of Business Research, the optimal length of a brainstorming session is around 30 minutes. That's right, half an hour is all it takes to generate a ton of ideas and get the creative minds flowing.

But wait, that doesn't mean you should set a timer and cut off the brainstorming session once the 30 minutes are up. The study also states that allowing flexibility in the session length can lead to even more ideas and more precise outcomes. So, don't be afraid to go over the 30-minute mark for as long as ideas are still flowing.

Of course, the length of the brainstorming session also depends on other factors such as the size of the group, the complexity of the problem, and the level of engagement from the participants. So, if you're brainstorming with a group of introverts, you might want to keep the session a bit shorter than if you're with a group of extroverts who love to chat.


Is an online brainstorming session a good idea?

Who needs in-person brainstorming sessions when you can just hop on a Zoom/Teams call and let the ideas flow? But is an online brainstorming session a good idea? Let's have a look.



  • Convenient, easy planning
  • Can bring together team members from different locations


  • Risk of technical issues
  • Can be quite impersonal


First of all, let's get one thing straight: online brainstorming sessions are not a replacement for in-person sessions. Sorry, but no amount of emojis or GIFs can replace the magic of being in a room with your colleagues and bouncing ideas off of each other.


Want to see how we handle live and online brainstorming in Brussels? Check our video for a demo tour!


That being said, online brainstorming sessions do have their benefits. For one, they're convenient. You don't have to worry about travel time or finding a meeting room, and you can even brainstorm in your pyjamas if you want (we won't judge).

Another benefit of online brainstorming sessions is that they can bring together people from different locations or time zones. So, if you have team members spread out across the globe, an online session might be the best way to get everyone together.

Of course, there are also some downsides to online brainstorming sessions. For one, there's the risk of technical issues. Nothing kills a brainstorming session faster than a bad internet connection or a glitchy video call.

Another potential downside is that online sessions can sometimes feel impersonal. There's something about being in the same room with your colleagues that just can't be replicated online.



Watch out for a few common misconceptions


1.” Brainstorming is only for creative people”


False! Brainstorming is for everyone, even if you're not a "creative type". Who knows, you might surprise yourself with some innovative ideas!


2. “The loudest voice wins”


No, you don’t want to reproduce the Hunger Games. Just because someone is the loudest person or the most expressive in the room, it doesn't mean he or she has the best ideas. Let everyone have a chance to share their thoughts, whether they're enthusiasts or not.


3. “The first idea is always the best anyway.”


Sure, and the earth is flat. Don't settle for the first idea that pops into your head - keep exploring and digging deeper for even better ideas.


5. “Brainstorming is a one-time event”


Think again! Brainstorming should be an ongoing process, like any other operational meeting. Make it a regular part of your team's routine and watch the creativity flow.

Remember, the key to successful brainstorming is to keep an open mind and let the ideas flow. Don't let these misconceptions hold you back from unleashing your team's full creative potential.



In conclusion, brainstorming sessions are a valuable tool for driving innovation and creativity in the workplace. By creating a positive environment, setting clear goals, using visual aids, and taking breaks, you can ensure that your brainstorming sessions remain productive and efficient.