Rent a green key recording studio for a successful virtual event!

Online events & Recording studio


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The corona pandemic is unfortunately taking much longer than expected and this is also having a major impact on events. Live events remain important, but when there are limitations, you have to think about other event solutions. 

At BluePoint, we certainly made the right decision: we have invested in our own green key recording studio at BluePoint Brussels.  This way, we can help your organisation convert live presentations and events into virtual ones.

Of course, there are a few things you need to know before you start organising a virtual event.
An important tip: do not try to organise the event in the same way as a live event. It might seem less efficient in a virtual setting and that can affect the viewer experience.


So how should you approach it?
And what are the advantages of a professional recording studio?
We would like to give you some tips:


Start with a completely new event agenda

A virtual event is not the same as a live event. So you have to approach it differently. Your viewers will certainly notice and appreciate it when you use a different concept than you would for a live event.

In a virtual format, the timing is crucial for the engagement of your audience. For example, with a live event you have to take a longer reception period into account, as people come from different locations and may be stuck in traffic. There will also be longer catering breaks. In a virtual setting, you do not need this extra time and you can really focus on what is relevant in terms of content for your attendees.


Create high impact and engagement with the audience

One aspect where live events differ from virtual events, is in the impact that attendees feel as soon as they arrive at the event. You attract their attention with lighting, music and other things. In a virtual setting, this sense of experience is harder to create, but it is not impossible.

The kind of virtual events that are not successful, are those where it feels like you are attending a Zoom meeting where someone is just reading the slides. In such a setting, you will of course quickly lose the attention of the participants. In a virtual environment, you therefore also need to attract the viewers' attention. Background music is of course also an option, but you will get the best results with a specific branding of the backgrounds (either in a 2D or even better, a 3D setting.

The more that happens on screen and the more variety you bring to the setting of the virtual world, the better you will retain the viewers' attention. So make sure you have variety in your content and that your speakers deliver their presentation in an engaging and vibrant way. Hiring a professional moderator/presenter to narrate your event like on TV is also an ideal way to create a bigger impact!  The use of a professional recording studio can support you enormously!

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Focus on the core message and the target

Your goal and message may be the same, but the format is different.  

In the virtual space, content and timing are key.  Your core message remains vital, but there is less room for entertainment, a networking happy hour or other relaxing elements that are part of a successful live event. You can still come up with fun ideas (a musician or a comedian, etc.) Use them for short interludes, but don't overdo it. 

Focus on more concise content. If you have workshops planned, make these sessions shorter and more focused as well. This will keep your audience focused on the message you want to get across.


Increase the chance of success with keynote or motivational speakers

A well-known keynote or motivational speaker can be a great asset to a virtual event. They attract attention, increase registrations and give you the ROI you are looking for in your virtual event. Furthermore, in a virtual format, you don't have to fly them in and you save on transport and hotel costs. Thanks to professional installations in a recording studio, these speakers appear on screen just like on TV.


These are just a few of the many tips that will help you organise a successful virtual event. Moreover, if you use a professional recording studio, your virtual event will certainly not be boring or bad!

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Are you interested in organising a virtual event
but don't know how to go about it?
Then contact our BluePoint experts directly at (+32-2-706.88.00).


BluePoint offers you a brand new high-tech green key studio with a surface area of no less than 70m²!
The studio is equipped with professional sound, video and lighting equipment. We complete it with a technical direction, a dressing room with make-up area and a lounge corner. 

Our experts accompany and advise you during the entire production,
so that you can concentrate on the content of your message!

For more information, download our brochure here.