It’s time to reconnect the team!

Events & Meetings


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Planning a  party? Perhaps you feel like you need one. What a year it has been so far! COVID-19 has tried and tested us all in various ways. One of the most challenging aspects has been the separation from our families, closest friends and yes, even colleagues and coworkers! 

Thankfully, the world is adapting. As we begin to better understand, monitor and control the spread of the virus, our government can allow us to slowly, carefully and cautiously rediscover elements of the lives we knew before the COVID-19 pandemic.  As the economy starts to revive  and companies are bringing employees back to the workplace, there’s a lot to think about in terms of keeping your team engaged in these post-COVID “times.” With restrictions lifted regarding occupancy limits in venues and offices, companies are working on bringing their employees back to the workplace . . . and bringing back the corporate parties!

But even as things begin to return to normal, they might not feel quite like they used to. Hosting corporate events and teambuilding activities off-site will be especially important for helping your team get back into the groove.


It's never too early to celebrate your team! 



Returning to the office after working from home for so long, will be an adjustment for your employees. It will likely take some time for everyone to find their flow again. After everything that has happened, morale is likely to be down. Your employees may feel stressed and struggle to produce the same high-quality work they did before the pandemic struck. 

Inviting your team to a fun teambuilding activity is the perfect way to reignite the excitement your employees once had. Team building activities can help to rebuild company morale and enable your employees to reflect on and improve themselves. 

An off-site meeting enables your employees to reconnect with one another and renew their bonds in a stress-free environment. They can open up without the stresses of a professional setting. Team building helps to boost their collaboration, getting them to work together cohesively again. Giving them the chance to reconnect in this manner, better equips them to start working together once again in the office.


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Benefits of a company staff party 

A corporate party not only provides opportunities to recognize your employees’ hard work and perseverance through the pandemic and beyond; it also gets everyone back together in a relaxed atmosphere, including your remote workers who don’t get to gather ‘round the water cooler or meet up in the coffee break room at your office. After so much time apart—and having to forego the annual party last year—everyone is eager to socialize and catch up in person, and staff parties are always a happy time of celebration and camaraderie.

It also provides opportunities to get better acquainted with team members who don’t typically collaborate with other departments. If you’ve brought on new hires this year who haven’t yet met everyone, the party is a great platform for that. 


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Start planning now! 

You may not be thinking about the end of the year yet (with the summer holidays still in the back of your mind) but autumn will soon be upon us and before you know it, the holidays!  
Also keep in mind that, with all the pent-up demands for parties, team building, live corporate events and postponed weddings being rescheduled, dates are being chosen and venues booked for those companies that are planning their event off-site.

By the way, there’s no reason to wait until December for your festivities. The fall season provides some fun opportunities like Halloween (complete with a costume contest)!

With all the unusual circumstances brought by the pandemic, you may also want to rethink your company party or team building so it’s not business as usual. Maybe it’s a sumptuous buffet, an elaborate cocktail party at the end of the workday, or an informal or themed catered lunch!


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BluePoint, high-level party planning! 

At BluePoint, our staff follows all updated protocols to ensure you are served with everyone’s well-being top of mind, and our customized menu offerings enable you to create a party that nourishes your team in ways that help them feel cared for.

In addition to providing an excellent event venue,  our event expert team can handle all the rentals as needed, provide the flowers or other décor, and book the DJ or band.

Our goal is always to provide exceptional experiences for your corporate events and team building, both indoor and outdoor!

As you decide on the date and time, be sure to contact us to discuss your event and make party planning a breeze. Call us at  +32 2 706 88 00 or email us at