Guide: 7 key steps to organize successful big events

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In the fast-paced world of event planning, success rarely occurs by coincidence, especially if your event aims to attract a large number of attendees. Have you clearly identified the various groups you want to invite? Does your program offer enough to meet their expectations? Whether you're planning to host a gathering of 100 or 500 people, this straightforward yet practical guide will tell you everything you need to know to make your major event a genuine success.


1. Identify your audience

The first step to a successful large-scale event is to understand the target audience. This means identifying all the targets: who they are, what they like, what they expect from the event and how they interact with similar events.

What are the key questions:

  • Have you established a typical profile of your target audience? In priority: profession, age range, demographics, language spoken and level of loyalty.
  • Have you listed the various needs and preferences in terms of availability, accessibility, mobility and catering? Leave nothing to chance before the day of the event!
  • What feedback or data from previous events could you use to fine-tune your program? Some ideas or activities may have been more popular than others, so adjust your planning if necessary.

You can easily obtain this information by conducting surveys, analysing data from previous events or studying global trends in the sector. Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can design an event that meets their expectations and creates a memorable experience for them.


2. Define the objectives of your event

After identifying your audience, the next step is to establish clear and measurable objectives for your event. Objectives could vary widely, from the number of attendees you wish to attract, to the number of leads generated, or even the level of satisfaction you hope to achieve from participants. What's essential is to create reliable and objective criteria to gauge the success of your event. This could also include high-profile guests' participation and media exposure levels.

Key questions to think of are:

  • What specific outcomes are you aiming to achieve from your major event? Every significant project is driven by specific goals related to brand image or business. Clearly defining these goals will enable you to align expectations within your organization and also reassess them if needed
  • Do you have the necessary KPIs to evaluate your event's success, and if not, how will you measure it against your strategy? For example, sales, brand engagement, and media coverage.
  • Does your event management platform provide all the useful data and dashboards you need to monitor the KPIs, from the announcement of the event right through to the big day?

With clear objectives in mind, you'll have no trouble making quick, informed decisions throughout the planning process. You'll also be in a better position to measure (and defend) the success of your event afterwards.


3. Draw up a detailed plan

Let's discuss the main course of your event project - planning. It is the core of your project that considers every aspect of the event, from the venue selection to logistics and the detailed program of activities.

Therefore, it is crucial to start planning early and pay attention to details. Identify the tasks that need to be completed and assign responsibilities to individuals or teams. Additionally, it is important to prepare contingency plans in case of unforeseen circumstances. The more comprehensive the plan, the better you'll be able to stay on track and ensure a successful event.

Key questions to ask yourself :

  1. Does the task schedule include all the actions to be taken up to the day of the event? Don't hesitate to go into the smallest details.
  2. Have the various tasks been properly assigned, both internally and to your external service providers? They should also receive a clear briefing on what is required of them.
  3. Does your schedule include backup strategies in case of problems or unforeseen events? The venue manager may be able to help you out in the event of a technical problem, but he won't be able to do anything if your star of the day stands you up... So plan!
  4. Are critical aspects such as booking the venue for the day of the event handled with priority?


4. Choose your suppliers and service providers carefully

You'll agree:

Surrounding yourself with reliable people is always better than trying to handle everything alone. When it comes to organizing an event, the choice of suppliers and service providers can have a significant impact on its success. Whether you require the services of a caterer, decorator, audiovisual technician, or any other service provider, their professionalism and reliability are essential to avoid any mishaps.

To ensure that you choose the right service provider, you should ask for recommendations, read online reviews, and conduct interviews before making a decision. This will help you to filter out unqualified or unreliable providers. It is advisable to partner with service providers who have a good track record and are relevant to your project. If you wish to simplify your planning and logistics, you can opt for conference centres that offer an all-in-one approach. This way, you can benefit from their network of professionals and make your event planning easier.

Have you covered these questions?

  1. Have you drawn up an exhaustive list of suppliers and service providers for all the critical tasks involved in your event?
  2. Do they meet all the quality and professionalism criteria expected from the feedback available?
  3. Does their experience include event projects similar to yours?

The supplier of the event space should also be evaluated based on the quality of facilities, the responsiveness of the event manager and its team, the integrated services offered, etc.


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5. Promote the event

Setting up an event is one thing, convincing hundreds of people to attend is quite another.

The promotional campaign is your main lever, especially if this is your first edition. A significant proportion of your overall budget should therefore be set aside for it. It can involve the use of various marketing channels, such as social media, direct mail, online advertising and even press inserts.

As mentioned in the previous point, an external service provider can be a great help. For example, in drawing up an impactful message, proposing a relevant communication schedule or even a plan B in the event of a low response rate.

The key questions here are :

  1. Have you allocated a sufficient proportion of the budget to cover the costs of your promotional campaign?
  2. Does your campaign use sufficiently diverse marketing channels to promote the event?
  3. Are your in-house resources up to the task of running the promotional campaign, or should you enlist the help of an agency?


6. Assure on-site management on the event day

Are you ready for your big day? All preparations have been made to welcome your guests, but have you considered who will ensure that the event runs smoothly? An event manager is crucial to ensure that everything runs smoothly, from welcoming guests to briefing suppliers, keeping everything on schedule, and quickly responding to any problems that may arise.

In addition, it's important to have support from the venue manager in case of any unexpected situations such as power cuts, air conditioning failures, fire alarms, or people being stuck in a lift. You need to be prepared to handle any situation that may arise without delay.

Key questions to ask yourself :

  1. Have you appointed an event manager to ensure that the event runs smoothly?
  2. Have the venue manager and service providers been properly briefed?
  3. Do you have all the necessary contacts in the event of an incident?


7. Evaluate and analyze the event

You've reached the end of the road. Well, almost.

Now it's time to assess its success based on the KPIs you set in point 2 and collect feedback from the participants.

Sending satisfaction forms electronically is the simplest and least intrusive method. The feedback you receive will assist you in improving your future events and continuing to meet your audience's expectations. As part of your marketing strategy, you may invite one of your participants to give an interview at the event, which you can then publish to reinforce your image.



The significance of major events in boosting your marketing and reputation cannot be denied. However, whether you are hosting a conference, an awards ceremony, or a product launch, these events require a lot of planning and organization.

You need to have a thorough understanding of your target audience, clear objectives, impeccable planning, careful selection of service providers and suppliers, and seamless coordination on the day of the event. It might seem daunting, but you can increase your chances of success by following all the steps in this guide and asking yourself the key questions suggested.


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