How to organize a successful hybrid event?

Online events & Recording studio


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The Covid pandemic has put training and event organisers to the test in the past year.  Out of necessity, new and digital ways to organize meetings and events and to distribute the desired information to a specific target group were implemented. Now that more is possible again in terms of organization, fully digital events are making way for live events again, but the demand for hybrid events is increasing. What exactly does 'hybrid meeting' mean and how can hybrid meetings be made successful? We have compiled our experiences in three tips: How to succeed in organising a hybrid meeting.

Let us first start with a definition: What do we mean by hybrid meetings? Hybrid meetings are certainly not a new phenomenon, as they have been used for years to provide flexibility when organising events and training sessions. The pandemic has taken the number of digital meetings and available facilities to a whole new level. New needs have also arisen to organise some meetings in a hybrid way.

By hybrid meetings, we mean a meeting where some of the participants meet face-to-face in a conference room, while others connect online, either via their own laptops or smartphones or in groups from various satellite points. For the organiser, hybrid meetings are often more challenging than face-to-face or fully digital events. However, one-sided, remote participation is no longer the right approach, either for fully digital meetings or for hybrid meetings. So make sure you get the most out of digital tools and discover how to make a hybrid meeting a success. 


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Read our 3 top tips here:

1. Good preparation is essential

For both fully digital meetings and hybrid meetings, the traditional way of presenting is often not the best option. A hybrid meeting requires good preparation and the use of a common digital platform is recommended for a successful event. Preparation starts with a platform and can include practical instructions, technical preparation (especially for speakers who need to dial in), how workshops can be used and much more.  It is important to map out the expectations and wishes of participants and to ensure that there is as much involvement in the room as there is among the online followers.

2. Involve online viewers

A typical risk of a hybrid meeting is that participants who follow from a distance are left out, i.e. they become so-called "second-class" participants. Face-to-face participants can easily hog the attention of the speaker. In order for everyone to get the most out of the meeting, all participants must be equel as it were, by planning the meeting in such a way that the needs of the digital participants remain in the foreground.

In concrete terms, this means that a voting or a Q&A session must be organised differently. So why not digital for everyone? Brainstorming and asking questions can also be easily organised via smartphones or laptops, regardless of whether someone is participating from the classroom or remotely. If the same platform is used by the participants in the room as from a distance, you can also make the platform known to all participants in advance.

3. Choose the right technology and take the time to test everything

When asking questions aloud to your audience, you can first ask the remote participants for their thoughts and only then turn to the participants who are present. If technology allows, you can show remote participants the meeting room itself via a video stream in and make sure they also hear the comments from the room and not just the voice of the speaker. The remote participant's experience is not good if they hear the answer to a question they did not hear in the first place. So allow sufficient time for testing the technology. Good preparation and familiarity with the technology also gives confidence and peace of mind to the event organiser.


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Ready to organize a hybrid event?

Now that you have decided to organise a hybrid event, start planning! But how should you approach this?
Rely on the knowledge of the BluePoint Venues event experts and technical support team!

BluePoint offers you a total solution for a successful video recording and online broadcast!  The BluePoint conference centres in Antwerp, Brussels and Liège have all the necessary equipment and the best technical support for professional live streaming of all your events!

BluePoint offers tailor-made streaming packages including camera rental, technical assistance, creation of a webpage to broadcast your event, as well as other options which we will be happy to show you during your next visit!

In addition, our three venues are easily accessible by both car and public transport and have underground parking.

Contact your BluePoint event expert now and discuss our possibilities!  Feel free to make an appointment at or contact us via +32 2 706 88 00.