How to organize a high-quality event in a budget-friendly way

Events & Meetings

When organising an event, you want your guests to have a great experience. However, this can sometimes be quite difficult when you’re on a strict budget. Luckily, there are multiple ways of keeping the costs to a minimum without reducing the fun; here are 3 tips to save money!


On-site services

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  • Equipment & furniture: When choosing a location for your event, check if they also offer other services aside from the event space. Make sure furniture is included in the rooms and ask if the venue offers presentation equipment on-site.
  • Catering & AV services: Next to the material services, it would be very beneficial for your budget to have catering and professional assistance on location as well. Look for a venue that offers catering formulas and an on-site expert to help with audio-visual equipment.


Getting all of these services at the same place does not only save time, but also lets you stay within your budget, as it is often cheaper as a package.


Own event staff


Entertainment and photography can be very expensive aspects of an event. To reduce these costs, consider looking around in your family or friend groups for people who can help you out. Maybe your sister is a hostess who can welcome your guests for a family discount; your nephew might be a great photographer and can take pictures on your event; or maybe one of your friends is in an upcoming band that can play a gig at your party. They will get to do what they love and earn more awareness for their services, while you only spend a fraction of the usual price.

In case you do not have any family member or friend who can help you on your event, you can still cut costs by being a little creative. For example, use tablets or a photobooth to let the guests take their own photos, perhaps in a corner with fun props. This is much cheaper than hiring a professional photographer and might even be more original and fun for your guests!




As an additional possibility, you could always incorporate sponsors into your event. Having a company sponsor your event could provide you with many free services. Think of a supermarket providing a free buffet, a furniture business lending their chairs and tables, or even a technology company promoting a VR booth. The sponsors can expand their customer base, you can cut costs, and your guests will have a great time!

Another advantage of sponsors, is that you can fill goodie bags with their products for your event attendees. The sponsors include one or multiple products for free, which combines into a great thank you gift for your guests. This is often highly appreciated. However, try to only incorporate gifts of durable quality, which can be used in the office or at home, instead of gadgets that will likely end up in the bin.


Next to modular event rooms with sufficient space for sponsor stands, BluePoint offers many other services for your event. Discover them all by browsing meet.EVENTS, tech.SERVICES and CATERING in the navigation menu of the three locations.