How to make a successful live streaming of your event ?

Online events & Recording studio

The live broadcasting of any event will undoubtedly generate more engagement and enthusiasm among your target audience. Although live streaming has now become an accessible tool to everyone with the evolution of telecommunications devices and social networks, the success of your recording, in terms of content and quality, is still a challenge!

This article draws your attention to the steps to follow when scheduling a live broadcast of your event, with the aim of significantly increasing your audience.


live streaming 1

1. Choice of room and equipment

  • Choose a professional environment, bright or equipped with appropriate lighting and good acoustics.
  • Make sure that the chosen location has the necessary equipment and expertise to ensure the smooth running of a live streaming: one or more cameras for video recording, microphones, a sound & PA system, as well as technical assistance in the room. The quality of the Internet connection is also essential to avoid any risk of interruption during transmission.


2. Anticipate the technical details

  • Identify your audience (public or private), the availability of your video after the event, the visuals and the introduction text for the broadcast platform.
  • Verify that the proposed system offers features such as the ability for the public to ask questions to speakers, leave a comment or even retrieve viewing statistics later. It will therefore be necessary to appoint a moderator to filter the questions before they are transmitted to the speakers.


3. Promote your live streaming upstream

  • Stimulate interest among your audience by letting them know that your event is coming up and will be broadcast online. Add the date, time and URL of the retransmission, as an invitation to include it in the agenda. Share it massively on all your communication channels.


4. Make a "dry-run"

  • Find out about the possibilities of rehearsing before the event. This will make you more comfortable and prevent you from making mistakes online.



Live streaming 2

5. Establish a dialogue with your virtual audience

  • Remember that in addition to the participants in the room, you will also have a virtual audience to stimulate. Feel free to look at the camera directly, talk to them too, encourage them to ask questions and intervene through the dialog boxes.
  • Make your intervention as interactive and dynamic as possible in order to maintain the interest of your audience. Share your slides on the streaming platform for the visual comfort of the audience and to keep their attention.



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6. Replay your video

  • Once your live stream is done, publish it on your website or social networks to allow people who were unable to attend to review it and still inform them of your message.


7. Analyse the statistics

  • Check the results of the live streaming: the number of viewers, the moments that reached the most audiences, their reactions and comments to improve your next live streams and possibly answer any questions you might not have had the opportunity to answer during the conference.


The more time you take to prepare your live stream, the greater the engagement of your audience and the better your ROI (return on investment) will be.

You want to schedule a live broadcast of your next event but you don't have the necessary equipment or knowledge?
The BluePoint conference centres have all the required equipment and the best technical support for professional live streaming of all your events!

BluePoint offers customized streaming packages including camera rental, technical assistance, creation of a web page to broadcast your event, as well as other options that we would be happy to show you during your next visit!

Feel free to make an appointment via or +32 2 706 88 00.