How to choose the right office space in 2023?

Office rental & Coworking

How to choose the right office space in 2023?

As hybrid working becomes more permanent and inflation drives up costs, the time has come to rethink your workspace. Which strategy should you adopt to better control your facility management costs including energy bills shortly?




Without predicting the future, we can at least see an emerging trend: organisations that embrace flexible and new office rental solutions will be better equipped to face the challenges ahead. And there are a lot of them.


Renting office space: a difficult choice

There is no shortage of office space in any of our country's major cities, especially Brussels. On the contrary, you can quickly get lost in the landscape, which has more and more players and different formulas. Signing the right lease for your business is not easy, and new factors influence the balance...

Rent private offices in BluePoint Brussels (near the European District)


Inflation and declining occupancy

According to recent reports, the average weekly presence in the office is now only around 2 to 3 days per week. This new standard, which can be described as hybrid work, now seems to be anchored in our habits. At the same time, inflation (estimated at 9.59% by Statbel in 2022) is still contributing strongly to the increase in energy expenditure. This mix evidently disrupts office rental needs:

  • A sustainable strategy for the use of energy resources is no longer just nice-to-have: intelligent lighting and air-conditioning become necessary.
  • Easy-to-reach locations are preferred, especially when they facilitate sustainable mobility
  • Services that are directly integrated into the rental offer are becoming increasingly popular: central reception, mail management, projection equipment, corporate catering, printing services, etc.

Do you regularly use your car to get to work? Then read on.


Tightening of regional parking policies

Efforts to address climate change issues also involve promoting more environmentally friendly mobility, particularly for commuting. In the crosshairs of the public authorities: car parks in office buildings. The latter is gradually being forced to reduce the number of parking spaces in and around their buildings.

As this will severely restrict the supply of parking in the vicinity of offices, large private car parks in the city center will become a rare commodity, especially in Brussels.


Visit the BluePoint Brussels business center


Opt for a flexible lease: a future-proof solution

In such a context, how do you find the most appropriate and sustainable office rental solution for your business?

Let's start with some basics:

  • There is no "one-size-fits-all" solution: each business has its own needs, and benefits in its way from the available services.
  • A study conducted by the Actineo Observatory in 2019* shows that the workspace has a very important impact on health for 50% of the respondents, and for 48% on their well-being.
  • At the time of writing this down, economic instability still reigns in the Eurozone: a poorly evaluated long-term contract today can have serious consequences tomorrow.
  • This means: your lease should meet your needs effectively and give you the flexibility to deal with unforeseen changes. This is where the concept of a flexible lease comes in.

BluePoint is one of the few players in the industry to offer all-in-one flexible leases in its business centres:

  1. You configure your office space according to your needs and work habits
  2. You tell us the rental period for which you want to settle your business
  3. With this information, we draw up an all-inclusive rental contract (including taxes) for the desired duration: this gives you a precise view of the budget you need to settle your business.


Contact us for availability and conditions


BluePoint: the all-in solution without compromising on quality to help you grow your business

Benefiting from a state-of-the-art infrastructure and the latest technology, a tailor-made office that you can rent  at BluePoint Brussels stands out, not only for its ideal location but also for its impressive list of on-site services:

  • IT connectivity and support
  • Secured access control
  • High-speed internet network with private access
  • Mail distribution
  • Centralized reception
  • Printing services
  • Shower rooms
  • Access to restaurant Blue's Corner
  • Office cleaning and maintenance
  • Maintenance services
  • Private underground car park with 400 spaces
  • Free motorbike/cycle parking
  • Electric charging stations

This combination of unique advantages in Brussels frees you from all logistical and administrative worries: by signing a rental contract with BluePoint, you opt for flexibility, modernity and peace of mind.


Want to settle your business in the heart of Brussels, without any headache? Contact us via :


L’Observatoire actineo 2019 – Article « Panorama des actifs français travaillant dans un bureau »