How do I organize an inspiring seminar?

Events & Meetings

motivational seminar 1

Have you ever heard of Ted x or 'inspirational talks'? 

They consist of speeches given by motivational speakers during a seminar or conference with the goal to inspire and motivate their participants in various fields, both professional as private. 

In general speakers have the chance to give ‘the presentation of their lifetime’ and to explain their own expertise, a certain project, an idea or a vision. The difference with a traditional lecture is that the speakers put their heart and soul into the presentations. Their sparkling and inspiring discourse and personal driving force generally make a great impression on the participants.  

Various fields such as technology, entertainment, design, and psychological aspects are addressed but other themes are possible as well. Speakers have a relatively short period of time which urges them to be to the point and make sure that there’s never a dull moment.  

They often add some lightness to these presentations by alternating them with performances of comedians, musicians or dancers.  

Thanks to the video recordings the presentations stay available afterwards and they can be seen online around the globe.  

What are the advantages of organizing such an event? 

  • Corporate image and reputation
    With the right speakers, you also attract an interesting audience. Your seminar can be a hub for changes in the sector and at the same time offer new networking opportunities for the participants. If you organize them on a regular basis such seminars can also elevate your company’s reputation.  

  • Communication and media attention
    Such events give you sufficient possibilities to communicate through diverse communication channels. Information about the speakers and the event trends that you follow, will not only give you a greater online presence but also more credibility and will definitely not be unseen by the media.

  • Reward your existing clients and increase your outreach
    Give your clients valuable content and let them network and exchange experiences with new potential clients. Your outreach will quickly increase.


The organization of your own motivational seminar requires, of course, the needed planning.  

Tips & tricks for the organization of an inspiring seminar.

  • Only invite expert speakers.
    Make a very good selection of your speakers. It’s very important that the speaker has the required expertise and that he/she can transfer the message clearly and inspiringly.

  • Choose the right location for your seminar.
    Make sure that the venue has a fitting space for both the seminar, the relaxation and networking spaces. The location needs to be perfect as well which as to technological means. A motivating speech always presents better with the necessary show effects. A simple projection display will not do. Inform yourself about the possibilities at the location which will be at your disposal to make your event even more powerful. Video mapping and the use of a social media wall is highly recommended.  

  • Make sure you have enough moments for relaxation and networking.
    During the breaks, there’s time for networking and communication between the participants. Provide fun activities and relaxation possibilities like a table football, boxing ball or a pool table. You can also choose for a music, comedy or dance interlude, interactive demonstrations, and especially creative and trendy catering.

  • Consider a video recording or a live stream.
    When you’re recording your event or you give your target audience the opportunity to  livestream or view it later, you’ll reach more people with your message and your ROI (return on investment) will be much greater.    


Did we inspire you enough to start organizing yourself?

The BluePoint Meet.Work.Tech. conference centres are here to further assist you with the organization of  your next inspiring events!  We offer the most innovative technological support and our event experts make sure that you have the maximal on-site support and for a perfect organisation. Together we will create your ‘new generation’ event!

Schedule an appointment to visit one of our sites in Antwerp, Brussels or Liege via or +32 2 706 88 00.