Do you need tips and tricks to organize safe events?

Events & Meetings

When you organise an event, you determine a target group, the content of the event and of course also the general objectives and how you will achieve them.  But as an organizer, do you also think about the safety of your event? After all, you wouldn’t want your participants to panic and accidents to happen in a possible emergency situation.  Also corporate events do not escape a certain number of safety measures.

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What should you pay attention to when choosing a location as an organizer?

1. Ask about the site’s emergency and evacuation procedures in advance.

Ask about the emergency number, who will guide you in the event of an evacuation and inform your participants about the guidelines, evacuation routes, emergency exits and assembly points. In addition, it’s also important to recognize the distress signal within the location.  At the start of the event, provide your participants with  some important tips such as keeping the peace when leaving the building, never using a lift, leaving cars and personal belongings behind and always taking the shortest route to the assembly point during an evacuation.

2. What should you take into account in regard to the room layout?

  • Always keep the emergency and evacuation doors free.
  • Provide adequate room for movement towards emergency exits for a smooth evacuation 
  • Do the location and rooms themselves provide sufficient and clear signaling?
  • Is the stage safe and easy to enter?
  • Watch out with flammable materials. In a closed room,, do not use candles as mood lighting for example but opt for LED lighting as a safe alternative.
  • Ensure that extinguishing agents are present and easily accessible.
  • Ensure that there are no loose cables in the rooms to prevent falls ...


3. When should I use extra safety means?

First perform a risk analysis to determine if additional security measures are required for your event.

Extra fire extinguishers, fire blankets, etc. can be useful, in the following cases:

  • When organizing a barbecue 
  • When working with atmospheric fire pits and / or patio heaters 
  • When using extra pyrotechnic means such as smoke developers, Bengal fire and fireworks.


Are you committed to the safety of your event and do you need assistance?

Within BluePoint Meet.Work.Tech, Frédéric De Cooman - Security & Safety Coordinator - has been responsible for your safety since 2006!  He is a level 2 prevention advisor and additionally he also supports the facility department

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Frédéric regularly organizes first aid courses and fire training courses for BluePoint employees, which especially includes the use of the available defibrillators, small extinguishers.

In cooperation with specialized security firms and external consultancy firms, Frederic can also provide advice and additional security for people and goods. BluePoint also has camera surveillance in line with GDPR privacy legislation and its own internal emergency number that is available 7/7 and 24/24.

Can we assist you with your next \"safe\" event at BluePoint?
Contact us at or call +32 2 706 88 00 to visit our sites in Antwerp, Brussels or Liège.
Together we can ensure a smooth organization of a safe event!