Delicacies and decoration ideas for the holidays!


Christmas and New Year’s Eve are just around the corner, so it’s time to get together with your loved ones for a nice meal together. In order to make this evening as festive as possible, our catering experts will now share their tips with you! Learn how to open oysters, how to open champagne bottles in a festive way, and what decoration to use for the most festive dinner table..

Pre-dinner: the appetizers

Not everyone you’ve invited will arrive at your party at the same time, but you also don’t want to let your guests wait. This situation is a great opportunity to introduce appetizers; giving your guests a glass of bubbles and oysters as a pre-dinner snack, which will keep them happy until the group is complete. Oysters and champagne is a classic combination that fits perfectly with the holidays, and will definitely impress your guests. Not sure how to prepare oysters or how to open the champagne bottle in a special way? This video will teach you both in a few quick and easy steps. Feel free to try it at home and do a taste test before serving them ;)


Main course: the dinner table

When all your guests have arrived and your main course is ready to be served, it’s time to lead everyone to your festively decorated dining table. Making the table look nice doesn’t have to cost a lot of money or effort, just make use of these decoration tips:




- Lights: whether it’s a string of fairy lights, a nicely lit Christmas tree, or some classy candles, lights will make any room festive and cosy. Candles can even be used under a pot to keep food warm, so this is definitely multi-purpose decorating!


Naamkaartjes with credit


- Name cards: If you want to make sure that different groups mix, put a name card at each plate. You can even make it a little game for the guests to search for their seat, by wrapping the names in gift boxes!


Midden tafel copy


- Less is more: don’t put too much decoration in the middle of the table, as this is where all the food will be. You’ve probably spent quite some time on cooking this delicious meal, so it’s only right to display it without distractions around it.




- Menu: finally, print or write a little list of the food that you’re serving. It’s simple,  fancy and informative.


The most important tip is of course to enjoy the time with the people close to you, and celebrate together! Everyone from BluePoint wishes you very festive holidays, and a great start of the new year. See you in 2019 !