BluePoint solar car and the 2019 solar competition!

Events & Meetings

BluePoint Solar Car 1

Are you wondering for which reason BluePoint Meet.Work.Tech. gave its name to the new Belgian solar car that will participate in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge in Australia in October?
Discover the story behind this ambitious project of 19 eager students of civil and industrial engineering at KU Leuven and the support of technology promoter Agoria and Agoria Real Estate, better known under the brand name BluePoint Meet.Work.Tech.

"At 'BluePoint' we are very proud that the new Belgian solar car will participate in the World Solar Callenge 2019 in Australia, with our brand name", says Christian DeKeyser, CEO Agoria Real Estate.

1. The main reason for our collaboration is of course our link with technology

As a subsidiary of Agoria, BluePoint also focusses on technological progress, which is why our progressive conference and business centres in Brussels, Antwerp and Liège have many technological applications at their disposal to support your business and your events.

2. In addition to technology, sustainability is also important in our BluePoint's buildings

The many efforts made in the past years in the field of energy saving and other domains have in the meantime already been rewarded with the eco-label 'Green Key'.

3. The 3rd pillar of our cooperation is innovation and entrepreneurship

At BluePoint Brussels and very soon in Antwerp, we offer next to traditional office rental also very attractive co-working spaces under the brand name "Tech.Lounge". These spaces represent the workplace of the future and welcome starting and growing companies and all technology lovers who intend to grow their network. This is again an important link with the young and dynamic Agoria Solar Team who designed the 8th solar car 'BluePoint'.

After all, the Tech.Lounge offers creative workspaces in which cooperation is central. An ideal place to work out new projects. Rooms such as our brainstorming arena where participants connect to a central screen with their smartphones easily contribute to the development of new ideas and the workplaces that all breathe technology offer more than enough space and possibilities to turn the ideas into reality.

"Innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability take an important part of our company philosophy and are at the reasons of our cooperation with the young and dynamic Agoria Solar team and their Belgian solar car, 'the BluePoint'", concludes Christian Dekeyser.

BluePoint Solar Car 2

The BluePoint solar car has already arrived in Australia. Follow the story of the Belgian solar car's journey through Australia from now on on our online channels and social media. How does the BluePoint of the Agoria Solar Team manage to cover no less than 3,021 kilometers through the Australian desert, without consuming a single liter of fuel? And does a solar car really stop in bad weather?
You'll discover it all in the coming weeks and we'll even treat you to some live reports from Australia during the race itself...

Do you have any questions about the BluePoint solar car or about the services of BluePoint Meet.Work.Tech?
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We will keep you informed about the upcoming episodes in the progress of the adventure. Keep an eye on our communication networks and share massively!

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