Blended Learning: The new type of education


We are never too old to learn. Even after our days in college, or having 30 years of experience, there is still a lot to learn about our own industry and way of working. The industries change quickly, and we have to change with them. Even our way of teaching and learning needs improvement. Because how could you teach a new method, while using an old one?

The traditional method of teaching that most of us are used to, is the one where a teacher gives its students loads of information, which the students have to memorize and recite. This results into students who can learn great amounts of information, but cannot perform critical thinking about the subject, or solve problems in practice.



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A more modern way of education, is e-learning. This method uses (online) technology in order to engage students with the information, which is available to study anytime and anywhere they want.

Even though this flexible way of studying is very efficient for some, for others it's less successful, because of not having real face-to-face interaction, which results in a lack of feedback on the material and way of teaching. Some people miss the interaction and personal connection of a standard classroom, and those students could interpret information wrongly without realizing.


Blended learning

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As the traditional way of teaching and the e-learning method both have their pros and cons, it is hard to choose which one to apply. That is why BluePoint’s Tech.Lounge offers a new concept in its so called Classroom of the Future, which is ‘Blended learning’. This method combines the strengths of both former methods, and activates students by providing gamification, which adds an element of competition.

Another method that is used in combination with blended learning, is the flipped classroom concept. It makes sure e-learning is as activating for students as possible, by integrating feedback moments in class.

The Classroom of the Future provides a teaching area with a classical set-up, and four smaller working areas. Next to traditional classroom supplies, all five areas are equipped with technology that makes the learning process easier and more entertaining, such as digital learning tables. The strength of the learning tables is the fact that students have the opportunity to put the learning material immediately into practice.


Would you like to know more about blended learning?
Visit our Classroom of the Future in the Tech.Lounge at Boulevard A. Reyers 80, Brussels.
You can also visit the Tech.Lounge website to get more information about the different areas.