Are your offices still large enough taking the COVID-19 measures into account?

Office rental & Coworking

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Managers will undoubtedly be relieved to be able to welcome their employees back into their own offices and employees themselves will experience the return to a professional working environment as a relief, after weeks of forced working from home. After all, physical meetings with colleagues and social contact in general, are important to give your business a new boost after this crisis.  

How does your company deal with the strict measures for offices, where in the end only half of the workplaces remain available? Does working partly from home remain the norm or are you also looking at other possibilities to completely restart your business?  

Are you interested in other formulas where your employees can temporarily work together and in comfort while respecting the new safety measures?  Read our 3 tips for temporary office solutions below:


Choose a co-working environment for smaller teams or individuals  

The formulas in co-working spaces are very flexible. You can take out a day subscription but subscriptions per month are also possible.  Small private offices are usually also offered for 1-2 employees.   

Your employees only need to bring a laptop. High-speed internet is available as well as printing facilities.  In addition to access to a workplace, community members can also make use of the existing meeting infrastructure and relaxation areas. 

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Enjoy the benefits of a turnkey office for temporary use

Business centres today also offer turnkey and fully equipped offices where you can temporarily house larger teams so that they can boost their projects, which require a lot of cooperation, in safe conditions.  Let your teams also take advantage of the brainstorming opportunities offered by such business centres.  

An additional advantage is the many logistic services offered on-site, allowing your teams to focus on their essential tasks.

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Use meeting rooms as temporary offices

As a third solution BluePoint offers its meeting infrastructure as temporary office space.  
BluePoint has a total of 55 meeting rooms with different dimensions.



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Are you interested in one of these formulas?


  • We have adapted our BluePoint buildings to welcome you and your employees safe in our offices, our co-working rooms and our meeting rooms. 
  • Our welcome desk staff can communicate securely with visitors thanks to plexiglass protection and registration is contactless.   
  • There are new rules for the use of elevators and staircases, as well as the entrance and exit of the buildings to minimize the crossing of people.
  • We only use fresh outside air in our ventilation system to minimize the risk of contamination.
  • Disinfecting hand sanitisers are available at the entrance and various other places in the building.
  • The cleaning of the rooms and sanitary facilities is carried out according to strict guidelines.
  • Internal meeting rooms are set up according to the guidelines of social distancing and you can consult them beforehand.


If you need more information about the safety measures taken, we will be happy to put you in contact with our safety and prevention advisor.


Are you looking for a healthy working environment for your employees?

 At BluePoint in Antwerp, Brussels and Liège and Tech.Lounge Antwerp and Brussels you can rent private serviced offices, flexplates and permanent offices. Contact us at or call +32 2 706 88 00 to visit our venues in Antwerp, Brussels or Liège.  Together we ensure a healthy workplace for your employees!