Veerle Vermeulen, Agoria: "The BluePoint video studio offers cutting-edge technology and optimum support".

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Online events & Recording studio

Want to create a virtual or hybrid event that will captivate your audience? Find out how Veerle Vermeulen, Learning & Development Expert at Agoria, harnessed the power of the BluePoint video studio to bring dynamism and interactivity to her creative project.



Why did you opt for video studio production?

Our ambition was to offer a hybrid event featuring a live broadcast from Australia by an expert on the subject, on-stage speakers and dynamic interaction in Dutch and French. We therefore opted for a video studio production at BluePoint Brussels, which offers cutting-edge technology and optimum support.


What was the theme of the event?

The Agoria study carried out in collaboration with Professor Eva Kyndt of Swinburne University of Technology (Australia) and Professor Simon Beausaert of Maastricht University, looked at the state of informal learning and motivation to learn in a technology company.

The results of this study show, among other things, that informal learning within a team can be significantly improved by a series of actions such as coaching or mentoring.


  • Name of event: "Van Coffee Corner tot Coaching - Het kracht van informeel leren
  • Format: Hybrid
  • Number of participants: 180 participants connected simultaneously
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Features: Presentation recorded in advance by the BluePoint studio, as well as for the panellists' contributions, 2D overlay effects, video, stinger, subtitling of the exchanges for the post-event recording and chatbox function.
  • First broadcast: 22 June 2023
  • Target audience: HR managers from Agoria member companies, players in the world of training and social partners.



What types of interaction did the event offer?

On-site in the studio, a panel of three training and development experts who are members of Agoria (Aluminium Duffel, John Cockerill and 9altitudes) were present with a moderator and could react during the presentation.

Besides, between each of their speeches, short video testimonials from member companies such as Volvo Cars Belgium, Inetum-Realdolmen and Equans punctuated the programme. Finally, a chatbox function allowed the 180 participants to send their questions to the Agoria experts.


What are your highlights for this production at the BluePoint video studio?

The BluePoint studio team is extremely professional during pre-production meetings when setting up the studio, when filming the event and during production. The most important for me is the support they provide. Above all before the event: we were guided and advised on how to integrate the various content elements.

The same applied to the preparation sessions, the 'dry-runs', where we learned how to read the text on the prompter clearly and naturally while maintaining an informal and relaxed tone. We were also advised on how to position ourselves on the set and which camera to look at. These are details that you don't think about at first, but which can have a big impact on the final production. 


Contact us to check availability and find out more about our terms and conditions.


Green screen overlay to enhance your video productions

Would you like to quickly create a professional-quality video for your customers and business partners?

Discover the 2D image overlay technology offered by BluePoint's greenkey production studio: a method that allows you to make your presentations shine by adding a dynamic background, animated visuals to illustrate your points or simply your logo.

With a 70m² cyclorama green screen fully equipped with LED lighting, motorised 4K cameras and its own control room, our team can bring all types of creative projects to life. Interested? Contact us for a discovery visit.




Is the final result in line with expectations?

For my first experience in a video studio, I was very pleased with the end result. And so was the audience: the dynamism of the production seems to have been much appreciated according to the feedback we received. The number of quality insights delivered in just one hour, in a fluid and enjoyable way for the viewer, is certainly the great strength of this video studio production.

So I'd definitely choose it again, or recommend it to anyone looking for a professional solution for their hybrid or virtual event project.


Do you also want to produce your next event in our studio? Tell us about your ideas in our online contact form