A BluePoint office tailored to your needs!

Office rental & Coworking

Discover the all-in-one serviced office of mtech+!

Mtech+ is a network of career funds, active in the metal and technology industry. In recent years the company has evolved from a training fund to a career fund.

"A new office was needed in order to be able to properly carry out our new services," says Kris. "We also recruited a lot of new people who needed to be accommodated. In addition, the hybrid way of working during and after the corona crisis completed the picture.

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BluePoint's serviced offices

The solution for mtech+ was clear: a BluePoint serviced office. This is an office entirely customised to your needs, with all practical arrangements taken care of by the BluePoint team. You pay an all-in-one price for this.

"The WiFi connection, electricity bill or printer maintenance? No longer our concern," says Kris from mtech+. "We don't have to make any arrangements ourselves and are never faced with financial or practical surprises!"


Why a serviced office in a business centre?

The mtech+ serviced office is in the BluePoint Business Center on the periphery of Brussels. And that has its advantages, according to Kris. "In the afternoon we have a nice lunch in the Blue's Corner company restaurant, our office is easily accessible and colleagues can easily park in the underground car park, even with their electric car. Ideal, right?"

The 'all-in-one' aspect also has its advantages. Not only do you pay an 'all-in-one' price for renting your office, but you also pay for the set-up as well. "Of course a new office costs money, but the price was really good," says Kris. "Moreover, we were able to put everything together in one go. From the first design idea to the new office chair."

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Hybrid working: combining the office, online meetings and homeworking

For Kris, the new hybrid way of working created by the corona crisis was one of the focal points of the new office in Brussels. "Our colleagues will continue to combine working in the office, online meetings and working from home," says Kris. "So it was important that we took that into account as well."

In the mtech+ office, therefore, you will now find normal desks, but also counters with high chairs that function as flexi workstations. "Very handy when colleagues from another province come for a meeting and want to hang out," says Kris. "Or when we just feel like standing up or working in a different place. Change of food, change of fare!"

Attached to the office, are two meeting rooms where physical meetings are held. "That's also where colleagues can go for online meetings," says Kris. "A must, since online meetings will continue to be a big part of the new way of working even after the corona crisis."

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A tailor-made office that grows with you!

Meanwhile, mtech+ has been operating in their new office for about a year, and they are very pleased with it. "We have been renting offices at the BluePoint Business Center for years," says Kris. " We were sure that we could count on them for our new office. BluePoint advised us every step of the way and carried out the necessary work. Together, we have created a customised office that we are very happy with!"


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Anyone who is experiencing strong growth should think about the future. Thankfully, their office can evolve with the rest of mtech+. "We are going to recruit additional people, new services will be added and we will continue to work in this new way, even after the corona crisis," says Kris. "For that, a tailor-made office is really crucial. Fortunately, we have found that thanks to BluePoint!"


Looking for a serviced office for your organisation?

At BluePoint Business Center in Brussels, Antwerp and Liege, office tenants can benefit from these services, depending on their location:

  • Permanent office, accessible 24 hours a day with badge
  • Reception, mail handling, underground parking, meeting rooms and showers
  • Cleaning and maintenance
  • High-tech technology: iron wifi, secure IT network, printers with access code and print shop
  • All-in support by a facility team
  • Kitchenette and catering
  • BluePoint Conference Centre
  • Garden and terrace
  • Company restaurant and self-service restaurant


More info? Call +32 2 706 88 00 or email marketing@bluepoint.be.