8 Trends That Will Shape Events in 2021

Events & Meetings


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It’s time to look ahead!  What will the events sector look like in 2021?
One thing is certain: the Corona virus will leave its mark on event trends in 2021.

 These are the 8 most important trends you can expect:


1. Hybrid and virtual events are here to stay, also after Covid-19

Could your physical event not take place this year? Then a completely virtual or hybrid event was the ideal solution.  The technologies were also adapted at record speed, to our new way of meeting each other.  This year, this trend continues.  No longer just to put out fires and as an emergency solution, but also to achieve strategic business goals.  Virtual and hybrid events will become a permanent part of the marketing mix, even after the Corona era.

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2. Smaller & personalized events

In 2021 people will be less willing to travel and security guidelines also favour smaller groups at a venue. Smaller experiences will offer an unprecedented opportunity to offer more exclusive events that are more intimate, with smaller groups that can foster more meaningful connections. Very large events traditionally suffered from a lack of personalization. Visitors who are physically present, expect a personal experience in which they can even determine their own programme and event experience. Creating an intimate event is the new way to make an impact!

3. Health screening booths

Today, people want to know they are safe before they go anywhere. Health Screening Areas at events will become a must in the coming year. We are not just talking about a check-up, but also about taking a body temperature and performing quick tests. Think of  'sanitising mist booth' where guests walk through at the entrance and are simultaneously cleaned with a kind of disinfectant mist or hygiene stewards who will educate you on the safest and most hygienic way to attend an event.

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4. Sustainability becomes the norm

Sustainability gains in importance each year, but in 2021, we are more aware than ever of the impact we have on the world, partly because the use of single-use plastics increased again this year due to the Corona virus. There is a growing awareness that it is time for change.  In the coming year, it is expected that consumers will judge companies' actions in the field of sustainability even more. Sustainability is not something for the taking, but is becoming the norm. Also in the event sector.

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5. Hyper automation

The pandemic has resulted in more automation. Is there no direct human contact required for an action? Then the process will be automated. Think for example of registering for a physical event. Visitors increasingly print their own badges instead of a hostess handing them over.

6. Outdoor events

The expectation for the coming year is that more events will be organised outdoors. In the 'fresh air' you can gather with larger groups, it is easier to keep a distance and the risk of Corona contamination seems to be less.

7. Drone video and photography

In 2021, drones will be used more and more often, to capture events in a unique and surprising way. Whereas a photographer and videographer can only capture part of the event, a drone can make spectacular images and film from perspectives that visitors cannot see themselves. A drone can perfectly capture the size of, and the action at the event. But it can also be used as an extra camera during a live stream or to take unique group photos.

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8. The experience of scents

Disinfecting our hands when entering public places is something we have already become accustomed to.  But the specific and pungent odour of the alcohol gel is not so pleasant.  And that is where 'scent marketing' comes into play!  Did you know that there are scent sommelier who specialise in creating a recognisable scent that can evoke a positive association? An original way to surprise your guests in a pleasant way! 

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Would you like some assistance in organizing your event in 2021

Rely on the knowledge of the BluePoint Venues event experts and technical assistance team!
The BluePoint conference centres in Antwerp, Brussels and Liège have all the required equipment and the best technical support for professional live hybrid or fully virtual events! 
You can count on our expertise to help you with the a to z organization of your indoor or outdoor event!

Feel free to make an appointment via marketing@bluepoint.be or contact us by phone +32 2 706 88 00.