6 virtual formats to boost your communication

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6 virtual formats to boost your communication

Need some fresh ideas to increase the impact of your communication? Here are 6 communication formats that are perfect for the virtual world. You gain flexibility in organisation and planning and offer your audience a simple and convenient way to access your content or to participate in your event remotely. 


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The latest health crises have undeniably accelerated the use of digital content, whether it be events, webinars or promotional videos. However, it would be wrong to see this as just a post-pandemic symptom.

Communicating in a virtual format has multiple advantages:

  • Gaining flexibility in planning and organisation
  • Reaching a wider audience
  • Increasing the impact of your message with modern production tools
  • Promote interactivity with your audience
  • Easily obtain data on audience engagement

Listing all the concepts that can be adapted to the virtual world would certainly take several pages. That's why we offer you below a shortlist of 6 communication formats perfectly adapted to the virtual world: 


  1. CEO messages: internal and external communication
  2. Product launches
  3. Interviews and debates
  4. Information sessions and training
  5. Press releases
  6. Annual reports





1. Messages from the CEO: internal and external communication

Being a leader in an organisation also means being a good communicator. The CEO's messages directly influence the perception of the company image, whether they are destinated to employees or business partners. They help to point out the vision of the management, the strategy of the company and the necessary action plans.

Livestreams are nowadays a modern and very effective way to achieve awareness:

  • They reinforce the image of a modern and accessible leader
  • The video stream can be watched live and/or the recording differed
  • Easy to add additional functions: Name tagging and lower third, translation or interactivity modules (chat, questions, etc.)
  • Easier to organise than face-to-face gatherings

A high-tech recording studio with a professional production team is particularly suitable for this type of exercise. It frees you from all kinds of preparation tasks such as setting up a tailormade stage, installing microphones & cameras, finding and adjusting the right LED lighting, ordering makeup artists or others. You only have to prepare your speech and follow the instructions of the production team.


Discover the recording possibilities of the BluePoint Brussels’ video studio. 



2. Product launches

Widely used by Steve Jobs at the launch of the iPhone, the keynote is now one of the most popular virtual formats for internet users. More and more companies are using them to announce their new range of products or services and present their new vision and development plans. The advantages are obvious:

  • Easy access for the audience, live or recorded
  • Audience generally much larger than face-to-face
  • Flexibility in planning and organizing
  • Fewer organisational constraints
  • Increasingly broad creative possibilities

As a consequence of this evolution, the audience has become much more demanding. Indeed, the content of your message is key,  but if you want to impress your audience with your message and keep everyone as engaged as possible, the quality of your production must meet today's standards or higher.


Recording a spectacular keynote in a professional studio

The impact of a keynote depends highly on the level of preparation and realization: the storyboard, the preparation of the speaker, the flow of the presentation, the lighting, the visual effects, and the quality of the sound, ... All these areas require knowledge and professional audio-visual equipment. 

BluePoint’s audio-visual creation studio offers an all-in-one approach to get you started without a hitch. Better still, it opens the door to spectacular production techniques, such as a fully virtual, dynamic 3D environment where speakers can move around and which guarantees you an even more powerful impact. Several corporate players have already discovered the immense potential of the BluePoint studio: find out more about the different technologies.



3. Interviews & debates 

Interviews and debates are excellent formats to gather information from opinion leaders, experts or well-known people on a particular topic. Confronting their opinions allows an interesting and authentic exchange of views. Beyond the value they bring to an audience, they greatly help to reinforce your reputation as an expert in your domain.

Recording a virtual interview or debate in a professional studio has many advantages:

  • It enhances speakers on the set with proper lighting
  • The intensity of the discussion can be better captured through the choice of camera shots
  • The online audience can interact by asking questions via a public or private chatbox.

Offering your audience high-level interviews and debates regularly can only benefit your communication power and your company image.


Discover the possibilities of recording live debates in the BluePoint video studio  


4. Information sessions and training

The crisis has forced many companies to make massive use of teleworking and rethink the way they organise learning for their employees. In this context, the supply of online training/information has accelerated unprecedentedly.

Offering your virtual classes periodically is a highly effective way to train recruits as well as to upgrade the knowledge of the qualified staff. Business partners such as distributors could make use of a training catalogue of your products and services to will strengthen your relationship with them and encourage them to advocate your brand. Participants can : 

  • Follow a training course wherever they are and whenever they can, without the risk of interfering with their work schedule
  • You can easily monitor the participation rate and overall progress

However: this is undoubtedly the most time-consuming digital format on the list. Such a project requires a well-developed content creation strategy to avoid running out of steam along the way. 


Organise a virtual conference in a state-of-the-art studio in Brussels


5. Press release 

The press release is a concise document intended for the media to share an important announcement: product launch, the opening of new sites, acquisition, etc. However, it can be interesting to enrich the specific content for bigger and better audiences.

Personalising the press release by adding visuals, or even better, a video clip, allows journalists to pick up the content of your announcement more quickly and to use these elements in their publications.

Producing a short to-the-point video, suitable for mainstream media channels, can be very effective: using a professional studio for this kind of video is therefore particularly useful to increase your chances of attracting interest.


Green screen overlay voor uw presentatievideo's

Would you like to quickly create a professional quality video for the press or your shareholders? Discover the 2D Picture-in-Picture technology offered by BluePoint's green key production studio: a method that allows you to make your presentations shine by adding, for example, a dynamic background, animated visuals to illustrate your words or simply your company logo.

With a 70m² cyclorama green screen fully equipped with LED lighting, 4K motorised cameras and its control room, our team can bring virtually any type of creative project to life. Interested? Contact us for a discovery site visit.



6. Annual or activity reports


The purpose of the annual report, whether mandatory or optional, is to inform shareholders about the company's past financial year. Several items of information, often supported by figures, are included to give a concrete idea of the company's development: investments, significant events, results, vision for the future, etc.

An excellent way of making the data easier to read is to accompany it with infographics, or even a short video presentation or livestream commented on by the managers.

As is the case for CEO's message, the production studio provides the ideal setting for a video presentation of an annual report. A wide range of visual effects can be used to make the presentation attractive: overlaying explanatory visuals, animated graphics, video clips in the background, etc. 


Make use of the full potential of a digital production studio in Brussels




The virtual format can be used for a wide range of communication types and could even become a MUST DO  for some of them in the future. Communicating efficiently through multiple channels not only supports your marketing objectives but also has a direct impact on your brand image.

However, you need to be prepared to achieve a convincing result: some companies have already started using new ways of communication and already surround themselves with professional partners. Others are slowly jumping on the train.


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Uplift your communication to the virtual format with the assistance of a professional partner!

The BluePoint video studio team welcomes you to its state-of-the-art production facilities in Brussels and guides you from the concept stage to the finished video product. Come to see us with your ideas, we take care of the rest: detailed pricing, no waste of time and a high-quality guaranteed! 

Schedule a visit to BluePoint Brussels’ video production studio or contact us via : 
