6 good reasons to re-introduce live events after the pandemic!

Events & Meetings


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The live meeting or live encounter: the purest form of interactive marketing. When you organize an event, you can stimulate emotions amongst participants and therefore activate and strengthen business relationships. The power and impact of event marketing has proven itself in the past and remains even more important in times of digitalization.


Discover why companies and organizations should continue to use live events in their future marcom mix!


Live-events provide:


1. Stimulation of the senses

Many studies show that loyalty, attractiveness, interest, etc. become stronger when all senses can be stimulated. The online catch-up to digitally stimulate those senses has started, but today there is still only one marketing channel where all the senses can be stimulated: and those are events!

2. A better experience 

The new generation wants a better experience in combination with networking and relevance. With the powerful combination of a live event and an overall communication strategy, these wishes can be easily fulfilled.


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3. Loyal customers and brand loyalty

Three quarters of the participants are more loyal customers after attending an event. This has everything to do with the emotional brand loyalty that an event can raise like no other channel.  

4. More commercial leads

Events provide the most direct leads because informal conversations during networking are usually even more efficient than a presentation itself.


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5. Greater understanding of the product or service

Research shows that people understand a product or service better after an event, compared to the messages they receive through traditional media.  

6. A strong concept

Business events offer a strong concept. They not only bring people closer together, but also reinforce the message a company wants to spread. The strength lies precisely in the event concept development, in which human interaction is used to achieve the desired results.  


Are you also looking forward to organizing your next live event?

Do not hesitate to contact our experts now to discuss your wishes or make an appointment to visit our venues in Antwerp, Brussels or Liège. Together we ensure a smooth organization of your next event!