10 original ideas for a fun and pleasant after-work party




Your employees have given their best and you feel the time has come to bring them together for a fun and pleasant after-work party? Surprise them with a theme that's original, fun and full of interactions! In this article, we present our 10 best after-work ideas to help you reinforce the links between colleagues.


The definition of a successful after-work

Coming from the United States, the after-work has become an institution of its own. What could be more natural than to get together for a drink after a long day of work?

Ideal for chilling, but also for strengthening relations between colleagues, a successful after-work must - like any other community event - meet a series of requirements.


How do you generate interest in your after-work?

A successful after-work starts with a few common-sense rules:

  • Suggest a time that suits as many people as possible: avoid the often busy start of the week or Fridays, which are sometimes synonymous with the start of holidays or weekends for some people.
  • Opt for a venue conducive to relaxation and conviviality: favour outdoor environments (weather permitting) or settings outside the company to promote a more relaxed atmosphere.
  • And finally, the point which is often overlooked: choose an original theme for your activity! There's nothing worse than an after-work which staff ignores, isn’t it?

So here are a few ideas to get your staff interested, and add a warm, festive touch to your after-work.


Take a look at how companies enjoy BluePoint's after-work events!


Our top 10 ideas for successful after-work events

Disclaimer: all the ideas below are BluePoint-certified! In other words, our customers have already tried them out successfully in one of our conference centres.


Are you short of time or space in-house ? Make life easier for yourself: contact our event planner for an all-in solution


1/ Cocktail bar

Would you like to introduce your staff to a delicious blend of flavours? Treat them to a cocktail-tasting session organised by a professional!

Short, strong shots or tall, sweet, fruity ones? It's up to you and the event organiser to decide on the most suitable option while making sure that the decor matches the theme. Don't forget to serve appetizers with your drinks, and offer a selection of mocktails (non-alcoholic recipes).

Pros :

  • A wide choice of themes and flavours for maximum creativity
  • Suitable for really any environment, indoors or out
  • Interaction and experimentation for participants

Cons :

  • Requires a certain budget for consumption and service
  • You need to organise everything well in advance: hire a suitable space, set up the bar and the necessary equipment, etc.


2/ Barbecue

A timeless classic theme, simple and effective. Who can resist a nice skewer to enjoy sitting at the table next to the rest of the team?

Only possible outdoors and when the weather is fine, the after-work barbecue is an excellent way to invite your staff when the weather is good. A professional caterer will be able to offer you a varied menu so that you don't have to stand next to the grill.

Pros :

  • Limited resources required, autonomous organisation possible
  • Create a "holiday before its time" atmosphere, conducive to disconnection and good humour


  • Limited to warm periods and outdoor areas
  • Vegetarians may be offended if no meat-free menu is offered, so be prepared!

Even better : hire BluePoint Brussels' spacious private garden and leave the catering team to do the rest


3/ The « murder mystery dinner »

First introduced in Britain in 1930, the concept involves solving a fictional murder case over dinner. Guests are assigned roles before the event, and clues are revealed during the various stages of the dinner.

Complete kits, similar to board games, are available on the market, but it is also possible to create your own story. The game can provide some great moments of fun but requires the total involvement of the guests.

Pros :

  • Great potential for fun, involving every guest
  • An excellent way to punctuate the meal with emotional moments


  • Requires a high level of guest involvement in the game
  • Difficult to manage when guests speak several different languages


4/ Food Truck Event

Why not introduce your employees to culinary diversity by hosting themed Food Trucks? Over the course of an evening, your staff can sample a variety of street food dishes from all over the world.

You don't have to prepare anything, just choose and enjoy!

Pros :

  • A unique "Street Food" experience, to discover original menus
  • No catering preparation is required


  • Budget for Food Truck hire
  • Large outdoor space required for vehicle parking

No space ? Discover BluePoint Antwerp's large modular indoor and outdoor spaces


5/ Drinks and dancing with a DJ or band

No matter what anyone says, the best way to relieve the pressure is to get moving! Offer your staff a drink hosted by a professional entertainer and set up a dance area (or even a dance floor, let's be crazy).

With the help of a caterer who will take care of the drinks, appetizers and service, you should be able to organise an after-work party that will delight your colleagues. All you have to do is leave your shyness behind and show your moves on the dancefloor!   

Pros :

  • Festive atmosphere guaranteed
  • Relatively flexible organisation when assisted by an event planner


  • Budget for the artists (and more if you also need to hire the sound and lighting systems)
  • A reminder to drink in moderation is sometimes necessary


6/ Karaoké

Very popular in Japan and other Asian countries, karaoke has seen its popularity rise over time in our countries. The principle is well known: the lyrics of your favourite song scroll across the screen and you let the audience enjoy your beautiful voice.

While some may prefer to go to a karaoke bar in the city centre, many companies can now have the prompter and sound equipment delivered to their premises. The result is some real moments of glory to be proudly displayed on the company's Instagram wall...

The easiest way? Hire an event venue that is already equipped with audiovisual equipment and a sound engineer who will calibrate the microphones and speakers for you.

Pros :

  • Can create strong moments of communion about famous and/or favourite songs
  • Who hasn't dreamt of filming the director of Helmut Lotti?


  • A little intimidating if it's your first public 'performance'.
  • Requires good room acoustics and audio monitoring throughout the evening


7/ Dance classes

Not everyone can move like John Travolta in Grease, but everyone can learn. With social contact making a lasting (or so we hope) comeback, why not offer your employees a discovery session: salsa, bachata or tango? The choice is wide.

The dance teacher will be able to give an introduction to beginners in a practical and fun way. It's probably best to avoid Zumba or any other dance that involves cardio if you don't want to get your guests on their knees after five minutes...

Pros :

  • Learning in a group, while having fun
  • Ultra-flexible organisation and low budget


  • Risk of being stepped on your feet?


8/ Mini golf tournament

Accessible to all ages, indoors and outdoors, mini-golf is an excellent activity to share with colleagues or to discover during an introductory session. Once again, you don't have to lug all your staff by bus to the nearest course: you can hire ready-made courses to organise your mini-tournament directly indoors.

Pros :

  • Stimulates team spirit, dexterity and observation skills
  • Relatively easy to organise if you plan to hire a dedicated room


  • Budget for course hire and catering for drinks
  • Garden or large indoor space needed to make the most of it

Not enough room for all the players? Hire a spacious room and delicious refreshments to enjoy the green like a retired billionaire.


9/ Mentalist show

When it comes to original activities that are easy to organise, magicians and mentalists are at the top of the list. Propelled by the series The Mentalist, these shows often involve one or more members of the public performing a particular challenge using only the expert's intellectual and mental skills.

Although in a more passive position, employees are encouraged to think along with the protagonist about the challenge they are facing.

Pros :

  • A unique 'cerebral' experience that forces you to think and think logically
  • It may be easy to organise in a company with the resources at hand, but...


  • ... can only be truly impressive if it is performed in a specially prepared setting, with a stage, adaptive lighting and a high-quality sound system.
  • Little interaction between colleagues


10/  Indoor ice rink

Yes, you read that right.

You can offer your colleagues an indoor skating session in your company if you have the necessary space, or hire a professional events venue. This is a substantial budget, both in terms of the order and the running costs.

But it's still an exceptional experience and one that BluePoint had the opportunity to organise on behalf of a company that chose to surprise its employees. Why shouldn't you?

Pros :

  • A magical moment to share with colleagues
  • A fantastic introduction for those trying it out for the first time


  • Large budget and the need to rely on an event planner who will coordinate all operations to ensure the flawless organisation
  • An on-site monitor is highly recommended to avoid incidents.


Bonus: the top 3 « false » great ideas

Despite the best of intentions, you can do sometimes worse than better. If you had any of the following plans in mind, it’s still time to cross them off your list:

1/ Discussing the mood in the office: not only are you getting right back to work, but you're also opening the door to irritating topics. The exact opposite of what you want from an after-work session, isn't it?

2/ Present the company's results: we have nothing against PowerPoint slides, but there are certainly more appropriate occasions to present them. The aim is first and foremost to create good energy for the after-work activity, not to knock people out before they've even started.

3/ Announcing organisational changes: transparency is all very well, as long as you do it properly and at the right time. Not only can these announcements be a source of concern and spoil the mood in no time, but also provoke the wrath of absentees who may learn the news after the others. Ouch.



Let’s be honest, the corner bistro is no longer the after-work of people’s dreams.

So dare to think out of the box by offering your colleagues a themed after-work event, either in-house or by hiring a dedicated space. Many ideas could be added to this article, but the aim was to provide a pole position for inspiration.

The most important thing is to plan the after-work on a date that is convenient for as many people as possible, in a space suited to the theme you are going to pick. As catering is an important aspect of the after-work, it is highly recommended that you call in an external partner.


Easily organise your first after-work before the summer starts